Store Setup > Forms and labels > Form layouts > Highlight Form > Select Edit button
Note: It is much easier to use and edit existing default data forms than to create new ones from scratch.
Fields & buttons | Description |
ID | The ID number of the form. |
Description | The description of the form. |
Is slip | Select this check box if the form is a slip. |
Slip line count | Use the up and down arrows to select the number of lines on the slip. |
Description | Enter text into the text box to give the form a new description. |
Line count | Use the up and down arrows to set the number of lines in the header, lines and footer. The lines are added and deleted to the bottom of the section. If a line with some field gets cut of the information is still there until the form layout is saved so if you add a line again the fields are still there. |
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Select magnifier button to zoom in to the selected section. Then this section takes the whole area and the other sections are hidden until you select the zoom out button. |
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Click on this button to see the form in a xml format. |
Fields & buttons | Description |
Align | Choose to align the objects on the form left, right or center. |
Fill char | Enter a symbol, letter or number into this field to fill a text box with this character. For example, “-------“. |
Prefix | Add a prefix to the field. |
Characters | The number of characters available for use in the object selected. |
Is variable | For fields that are variable, such as Total Price, select this check box to allow the space of the field to get bigger according to its contents. |
Font type | Select a font type from the drop-down list. It depends on your printer which font types are supported. The available font types are: : Regular, Double wide, Italic, Underline, Bold, Double underline, Double high, Double high and wide, Reverse video, Shaded. |
Fields & buttons | Description |
Windows printer | Select this check box if the printer is a windows printer and fill the printer information in the empty text field. |
Always print Not print Ask customer |
On the left side of the screen, you can select Header and a list of objects available for the header area of the form appear. Drag the objects on the list and drop them into the header area on the form. Use the arrows to navigate through the header object list. Click on the thick grey lines on the form field to expand the view.
Fields & buttons | Description |
Credit memo | Information only printed on forms of type Credit memo/Gift cards |
Credit memo amount | Prints the amount the credit memo is valid for. |
Credit memo number | Prints the ID of the Credit memo. |
Credit memo serial number | Prints the ID of the credit memo/gift card. |
Customer | All the following fields are only printed if a customer has been added to the transaction before payment. |
Address city | Prints the city of the customer's default address. |
Address country | Prints the country of the customer's default address. |
Address county | N/A |
Address line 1 | Prints the first address line of the customer's default address. |
Address line 2 | Prints the second address line of the customer's default address. |
Address state | Prints the state of the customer's default address. Not available with all address formats, the address format is changed |
Address zip | Prints the zip code of the customer's default address. |
Billing address city | Prints the city of the customer's billing address. |
Billing address country | Prints the country of the customer's billing address. |
Billing address county | N/A |
Billing address line 1 | Prints the first address line of the customer's billing address. |
Billing address line 2 | Prints the second address line of the customer's billing address. |
Billing address state | Prints the state of the customer's billing address. |
Billing address zip | Prints the zip code of the customer's billing address. |
Customer account number | Prints the ID of the customer. |
Customer address | Prints the default customer address fields separated with comma. Something like this: Address line 1, Address line 2, City, Zip code, State. The country is excluded. Only prints if a customer has been added to the transaction. |
Customer billing address | Prints the customer billing address fields separated with comma. Something like this: Address line 1, Address line 2, City, Zip code, State. The country is excluded. Only prints if a customer has been added to the transaction. |
Customer free text | This is a free text variable that is only printed when a customer has been added to the transaction. This field should be used as a label for the other customer variables. |
Customer name | The customer name. This only appears if you add the customer to the transaction before payment. |
Customer shipping address | Prints the customer shipping address fields separated with comma. Something like this: Address line 1, Address line 2, City, Zip code, State. The country is excluded. Only prints if a customer has been added to the transaction. |
Customer tax office | N/A |
Customer VAT | Prints the text in the VAT number text field in the customer view. Only prints if a customer has been added to the transaction. |
Shipping address city | Prints the city of the customer's billing address. |
Shipping address country | Prints the country of the customer's billing address. |
Shipping address county | N/A |
Shipping address line 1 | Prints the first address line of the customer's billing address. |
Shipping address line 2 | Prints the second address line of the customer's billing address. |
Shipping address state | Prints the state of the customer's billing address. |
Shipping address zip | Prints the zip code of the customer's billing address. |
Discount | |
Line discount name | N/A |
Sum line discount | N/A |
Sum total discount | N/A |
Total discount name | N/A |
EFT | Most EFT fields are EFT implementation specific. |
Acquirer name | The acquirer for the transaction |
Auth source code | The Authorization Source Code |
Authorization code | The authorization code given by the card processor |
Card amount | The amount that was charged to the card |
Card auth number | The authentication number for the card transaction |
Card expire date | The card‘s expiry date. MM/YY |
Card number | The customer card number |
Card number partly hidden | The customer card number with some numbers hidden for security purposes. This shows only the last six numbers of the card number |
Card trans number | The number of transactions made by card on the terminal |
Card type | The card type, for example, Visa |
EFT message | A message given by the card processor indicating the outcome of the transaction |
EFT info message | A message indicating whether the transaction was authorized or not |
EFT store code | A four digit store id created from the store’s store id |
EFT terminal ID | The ID of the EFT terminal |
EFT terminal number | The ID of the EFT card terminal |
Entry source code | A reference code for the POS transaction |
Euro auth code | The Euro authorization code |
Sequence code | A sequence code given by the card processor |
Visa auth code | The Visa authorization code |
Forecourt | Forecourt is not available in version 2013.x |
Oiltax amount | N/A. |
Oiltax text | N/A. |
Item | |
All item comments | Prints all comments that have been added to the items in a row. It will add rows to the receipt if needed. |
Loyalty | Information on loyalty points and cards on the transaction. These fields are only printed if there is a loyalty card on the transaction. Therefore these fields should be setup in a line with no other types of variables. |
Accumulated loyalty points | Prints the total number of points on the card if there is a loyalty card on the transaction. |
Issued loyalty points | Prints the number of loyalty points issued in this transaction, if any. |
Loyalty card number | Prints the number of a loyalty card that has been added to the transaction, if any. |
Loyalty text | A free text variable that is only printed if there is a loyalty card on the transactions. This field should be used for labels for the other loyalty variables. |
Used loyalty points | Prints the number of loyalty points used in this transaction, if any. |
Other | |
Bank drop bag ID | Prints the ID which is given to the bank drop bag in the POS. |
Date | Prints the date of the transaction in the system format. For an example or yyyy-mm-dd. |
Extra info 1 | A field that can be customized to print anything of interest by a certified partner. |
Extra info 2 | A field that can be customized to print anything of interest by a certified partner. |
Extra info 3 | A field that can be customized to print anything of interest by a certified partner. |
Extra info 4 | A field that can be customized to print anything of interest by a certified partner. |
Extra info 5 | A field that can be customized to print anything of interest by a certified partner. |
Logo | Prints the logo set on the store. It depends on the printer connected to the POS which format the logo should be. Common format is monochrome bitmap. See Form settings tab in the Store view. |
Reprint message | Prints the text "COPY" if the receipt is reprinted from the journal. |
Text | When this field is used any text can be typed inside it. Make sure the number of characters is set correctly. |
Time12H | Prints the time of the transaction on a 12 hour format. |
Time24H | Prints the time of the transaction on a 24 hour format. |
Pharmacy | To be customized by partner. |
Batch code | N/A |
Sale | |
Currency symbol | Prints the symbol for the currency set on the store. |
Invoice comment | Prints the last invoice comment set on the transaction. The operation invoice command is used in the LS POS to set a command on the transaction. |
Markup amount | N/A |
Markup description | N/A |
Operator ID | Prints the ID of the staff member logged into the POS. This is the same as the Login name. It is set when the user is created. |
Operator name | Prints the name of the staff member logged into the POS. This can be set in the User view. If the user logged on has no name the user ID will be printed. |
Operator name on receipt | Prints the name entered in the field Name on receipt located on the POS settings tab in the User view, of the user logged in to the POS. If this field is empty then it prints the user name. |
Price without tax | Prints the total amount of the transaction excluding tax. |
Receipt number | Prints the number of the receipt.The receipt number is automatically generated in the system and is consecutively ordered. |
Receipt number barcode | Prints a barcode for the receipt number. This barcode is always printed at the bottom of the receipt regardless of where the field is placed on the receipt. |
Sales person name | Prints the user name of a sales person that has been added to the transaction. If the user, that was entered as a sales person, has no name the ID of the user will be printed. |
Sales person name on receipt | Prints the name entered in the field Name on receipt located on the POS settings tab in the User view of the sales person added to the transaction. If this field is empty then it prints the user name. |
Total | Prints the total amount of the transaction including tax. |
Total without tax | Prints the total amount of the transaction excluding tax. |
Transaction description | Prints the description entered for float entry or tender removal transactions. |
Transaction number | Prints the number of the transaction. Note that this is not the receipt number. All types transactions get a number from this number series |
Tax |
The tax fields print one line per tax code used for tax calculation in the transaction. If Tax ID, Tax group, Tax percentage, Tax text, Tax amounts and total are all in the same line. This line will be printed for each of the Tax codes included in the transaction. |
Tax amount | Prints the tax amount for the tax code in the same line. |
Tax group | Prints which tax group the code belongs to. |
Tax ID | Prints the ID of the tax code. |
Tax percentage | Prints the percentage of the tax code. |
Tax text | A free text variable that can be used in the tax lines. This text is only printed if there is tax calculated for the |
Tax total | Prints the total calculated tax amount for the whole transaction. So the Tax total is the tax amount field added up for each tax code. |
Total | Prints the total amount that falls under this tax group and is used for the tax calculations. |
Tender | Fields to set up the tender/payment information |
All tender comments | N/A. Can by customized by certified partner. |
Tender amount | Prints the amount tendered with each tender type. Use this field together with the Tender name field. |
Tender comment | N/A. Can by customized by certified partner. |
Tender name | Prints the name of the tender. If there are more than one tenders on the transaction the line with this field is printed once per tender. Use this field together with the Tender amount field. |
Tender rounding | Prints if the tender rounding amount if there is any. |
Tender rounding text | Prints the text entered in this box if there is any tender rounding. This field is to be used as a label for the Tender rounding field. |
Terminal | Additional information about the store and terminal |
Store address | Prints the address line 1 and city of the store's address set in the Store view. The address is printed similar to the following: address line 1, city |
Store ID | Prints the ID of the store. |
Store info 1 | Prints any information set in the Form info 1 text field in set on the Form settings tab in the Store view. |
Store info 2 | Prints any information set in the Form info 2 text field in set on the Form settings tab in the Store view. |
Store info 3 | Prints any information set in the Form info 3 text field in set on the Form settings tab in the Store view. |
Store info 4 | Prints any information set in the Form info 4 text field in set on the Form settings tab in the Store view. |
Store name | Prints the name of the Store. |
Terminal ID | Prints the ID of the terminal the transaction is performed on. |
Terminal info 1 | Prints any information set in the Form info 1 text field in set on the Settings tab in the Terminal view. |
Terminal info 2 | Prints any information set in the Form info 2 text field in set on the Settings tab in the Terminal view. |
Terminal info 3 | Prints any information set in the Form info 3 text field in set on the Settings tab in the Terminal view. |
Terminal info 4 | Prints any information set in the Form info 4 text field in set on the Settings tab in the Terminal view. |
On the left side of the screen, you can select Lines and a list of objects available for the header area of the form appear. Drag the objects on the list and drop them into the header area on the form. Use the arrows to navigate through the header object list. Click on the thick grey lines on the form field to expand the view.
Fields & buttons | Description |
Discount | Fields to show discounts under each item |
Line discount amount | Prints the amount of the line discount if a line discount has been given to the item. |
Line discount name | Prints the name of the line discount if set in code if there is a line discount on the item. This field should be used to display the correct discount name for loyalty discounts. |
Line discount percent | Prints the line discount's percentage if there is a line discount on the item. |
Line discount text | Prints the text entered into this field if there is a line discount on the item. So this field can be used as a label on the fields that are only printed when there is a line discount on the item. |
Periodic discount amount | Prints the amount of the periodic discount if a periodic discount has been given to the item. |
Periodic discount name | Prints the name of the periodic discount if set in code if there is a periodic discount on the item. |
Periodic discount percent | Prints the periodic discount's percentage if there is a periodic discount on the item. |
Periodic discount text | Prints the text entered into this field if there is a periodic discount on the item. So this field can be used as a label on the fields that are only printed when there is a periodic discount on the item. |
Total discount amount | Prints the amount of the total discount if a total discount has been given to the item. |
Total discount name | Prints the name of the total discount if set in code if there is a total discount on the item. |
Total discount percent | Prints the total discount's percentage if there is a total discount on the item. |
Total discount text | Prints the text entered into this field if there is a total discount on the item. So this field can be used as a label on the fields that are only printed when there is a total discount on the item. |
Item | |
Dimension color ID | Prints the ID of the color the item is sold in if the item has variants with colors. |
Dimension color value | Prints the name of the color the item is sold in if the item has variants with colors. |
Dimension size ID | Prints the ID of the size the item is sold in if the item has variants with sizes. |
Dimension size value | Prints the size the item is sold in if the item has variants with sizes. |
Dimension style ID | Prints the ID of the style the item is sold in if the item has variants with styles. |
Dimension style value | Prints the style the item is sold in if the item has variants with styles. |
Dimension text | Prints the text entered into this field if there is variant information on the item. So this field can be used as a label on the fields that are only printed when the item is sold in variants. |
Extended description | Prints the item's extended description, see Additional information tab in the Item view. If there is no information in this field this line will not be printed. |
Item barcode | Prints the barcode if the item is sold by scanning a barcode. |
Item comment | If comments have been added to the item this field prints them all. If many comments are added to the same item the receipt will have one comment line per comment. |
Item comment text | Prints the text entered into this field if there is a comment on the item. So this field can be used as a label on the fields that are only printed when a comment has been added to the item. |
Item group | N/A. |
Item ID | Prints the ID of the item. |
Item name | Prints the description of the item. |
Item name alias | Prints the item's search alias set on the information tab in the item view. |
Item unit ID | Prints the ID of the unit the item is sold in. |
Item unit ID name | Prints the name of the unit the item is sold in. |
RFID | Needs customization from a certified partner to print the item's RFID. |
Serial ID | Needs customization from a certified partner to print the item's serial ID. |
Other | |
Extra info 1 | A field that can be customized to print anything of interest by a certified partner. |
Extra info 2 | A field that can be customized to print anything of interest by a certified partner. |
Extra info 3 | A field that can be customized to print anything of interest by a certified partner. |
Extra info 4 | A field that can be customized to print anything of interest by a certified partner. |
Extra info 5 | A field that can be customized to print anything of interest by a certified partner. |
Text | When this field is used any text can be typed inside it. Make sure the number of characters is set correctly. |
Pharmacy | Needs customization from a certified partner. |
Batch exp date | N/A |
Batch ID | N/A |
Batch text | N/A |
Pharmacy dosage qty | N/A |
Pharmacy dosage strenght | N/A |
Pharmacy dosage strenght unit | N/A |
Pharmacy dosage type | N/A |
Pharmacy dosage unit qty | N/A |
Pharmacy prescription number | N/A |
Pharmacy text | N/A |
Sale | |
Manually entered weight | If the item is a scale item and the weight has been entered manually but not weighed on a scale this field prints the text Manually entered weight. If this is not true nothing is printed and the line is skipped in the printout. |
Qty | Prints the quantity of the item being sold. |
Sales person ID | If salesperson has been added to the item sale line then the sales person user ID is printed in this field. |
Sales person name | If salesperson has been added to the item sale line then the sales person user name is printed in this field. |
Scale info | This field prints information about quantity and unit price when the item is sold in other quantity than 1. This is not only printed for scale items. |
Tax ID | Prints the information entered in the Receipt display field on the item sales tax group dialog. If nothing is entered in this field the ID of the item's item sales tax group will be printed. |
Tax percent | Prints the calculated tax percentage according to the item's sales tax group and the actual store/custom sales tax group. |
Total price | Prints the total price for the item line including tax. |
Total price without tax | Prints the total price for the item line excluding tax. |
Unit price | Prints the price for one unit of the item including tax. |
Unit price without tax | Prints the price for one unit for the item excluding tax. |
On the left side of the screen you can select the Footer tab and a list of objects available for the lines area of the form grouped by subject will appear. Click on „+“ to expand the group and see the list of objects that belongs to it. Drag the objects on the list and drop them into the footer area of the form. Drag the thick grey lines up and down on the form field to resize the form areas.
The fields in the footer sections are the same as in the header sections so see the header for information about each field.
Last updated: | 09th February 2015 |
Version: | LS One 2015 |