You are here: Field help > Forms > Form View

Form ID View

Store Setup > Forms and labels > Form layouts > Highlight Form > Select Edit button

What is the view used for?

Note: It is much easier to use and edit existing default data forms than to create new ones from scratch.

Fields & buttons Description
ID The ID number of the form.
Description The description of the form.
Is slip Select this check box if the form is a slip.
Slip line count Use the up and down arrows to select the number of lines on the slip.
Description Enter text into the text box to give the form a new description.
Line count Use the up and down arrows to set the number of lines in the header, lines and footer. The lines are added and deleted to the bottom of the section. If a line with some field gets cut of the information is still there until the form layout is saved so if you add a line again the fields are still there.
Select magnifier button to zoom in to the selected section. Then this section takes the whole area and the other sections are hidden until you select the zoom out button.
button Click on this button to see the form in a xml format.

See also

Last updated: 09th February 2015
Version: LS One 2015




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