You are here: Field help > Users > User ID View

User View

Security > Users > View all users > Select user

What is the view used for?

Fields & buttons Description
Login name The login name given to the user when created.
Name The name of the user, you can edit this by clicking on the text boxes.
Is domain user

If the check box is selected, this user is a domain user, if it is clear, they are not a domain user. Users have to be created as a domain user.

User is disabled If the check box is selected, this user has been disabled, and therefore cannot be used. If it is clear, the user's login is available.Users can be disabled because they have entered their password incorrectly too many times.
Link: Change password

Click on this link if the user's password needs to be changed. See more information on Change User Password.

Link: Authentication tokens Set tokens that can be used by the user to log in to the system. Opens Authentication tokens dialog.
Link: Disable Login Disable this user from logging in. If the user enters the wrong password more than the allowed attempts (see security tab in Administration Options), his login becomes disabled. On this link then it will be displayed Enable, so the administrator can enable his login again.
Link: Receipts Clicking on this link opens Find receipt view.
Link: Group Permissions Clicking on this link takes you to the Group Permissions dialog.
Link: View all users Clicking on this link takes you to the list of users.

See also

Last updated: 14th January 2015
Version: LS One 2015




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