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Group Permissions View

Site Manager > Security > User Groups > User groups

What is the view used for?

Fields & buttons Description
Group The group is displayed here, you can edit other groups by clicking on the arrow and selecting another group from the drop-down list.
New Click on New to create a new user group.
Edit Click on edit to edit the name of the user group selected.
Delete Click on delete to delete the user group selected.
Permissions Enter a permission into the search field to find it.
Click on the Search button to search for the permission that you have typed into the text box.
Clear Search
Click on the Clear Search button to clear the search that you have done, this will make the permissions list go back to its original state.
User Group Permissions List

The permissions are categorized under the plugin that they are valid for. For example, POS permissions are listed under the heading POS permissions.

  • Permissions that are granted have a green circle with a white tick next to them.
  • Denied permissions have a lock symbol and a red/white exclamation mark next to them.
  • To grant or deny permissions, highlight one or select multiple and select the buttons Grant or Deny.
  • This means that all users in this group will inherit these permissions.
Click and highlight a denied permission on the list and select this button to grant it for this user group.
Click and highlight a granted permission on the list and select this button to deny it to this user group.
Users in group A list of users that belong to his permissions group. Double click on a user to go to the User view where you can edit their personal permissions list.

Permissions list

NOTE: "Edit" permissions allows the user to create, delete or edit (manage) the components of the system.

See also

Last updated: 19th January 2015
Version: LS One 2014




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