You are here: Field help > Customer Loyalty > Loyalty Scheme Rule Dialog

Loyalty Scheme Rule Dialog

Retail > Loyalty > Loyalty schemes > Click on loyalty scheme > Select Add/Edit button in loyalty scheme rules section (lower pane)

What is the dialog used for?

Fields & buttons Description
Calculation type

Select the way in which the rule is defined:

  • Item - The rule applies to a single item, single variant item or a header item which includes all variants of the item. Buy this item to collect certain amount of points.
  • Retail group - The rule applies to all items in a retail group.
  • Retail department - The rule applies to all items in a retail department.
  • Tender - If the selected tender type is the Loyalty tender type then the rule is a point reduction rule but if you set up a rule for cash for an example then the rule is to accrue points.
Type relation

Select a type relation, this is connected to the calculation type. For example, if you select ITEM, the type relation list will be all items, TENDER will show all tender types available.

Note:Tender can also be used with Type relation: Loyalty Card Payment which is used to spend points. The card type must be set to Card tender or Contact tender for “Loyalty Card Payment” to work on the POS. This can be seen and edited in the Loyalty Cards view.

Starting date Select a starting date for the rule. Deselect the check box if there is not a starting date.
Ending date Select an ending date for the rule. Deselect the check box if there is not an ending date.

Enter/edit the quantity of items or amount of tender that needs to be bought/used in the transaction to accrue/spend loyalty points.

Note: Tender is used for the multiplier type “Amount”. This means that the loyalty points are calculated based on the amount spent in a transaction. For example, if $20 are spent (Quantity/Amount field), the customer gains 2 points (Loyalty points field).

Multiplier type Quantity (of items, either as stand-alone items, or items in a retail group or department) or Amounts which can either be used to accrue points through tender payment or spend them with Loyalty Card Payment.
Loyalty points

Number of loyalty points accrued or spent in the rule.

Note: Like for like rule: If quantity is set to 5 and loyalty points to 5, there must be 5 in quantity to gain 5 points, if there are 9 in quantity, the customer will still only gain 5 points, if there are 10 or 12, they will gain 10 points.

Note: (!) symbol: hover mouse over this symbol to see the message: “Rules that have tender with the action Pay Loyalty will convert the point value to a negative value in the POS calculations when they are used for payment.”

 Create another Select this button to save this loyalty scheme rule and open a new loyalty scheme rule dialog.

See also


Last updated: 28th November 2013
Version: LS One 2013.2




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