You are here: Field help > Customer Loyalty > Loyalty Scheme Dialog

Loyalty Scheme Dialog

Retail > Loyalty > Loyalty schemes > Click on loyalty scheme > Select Add/Edit button in loyalty scheme section (upper pane)

What is the dialog used for?

Fields & buttons Description
Description Enter the loyalty scheme description.
Points expire in Displays the expiry period of the points. This is a number followed by the limit of days, weeks, months or years.
Points use limit The points are limited in their use (payment, discount etc.) to 50% of the transaction value.
Default multiplier type

Select a default multiplier type for the loyalty scheme rules. Both multiplier types can be used in the same scheme with different rules. This setting allows for quicker creation of multiple rules.

Select either:

  • Quantity: quantity of items.
  • Amounts: Amount of tender that needs to be bought/used in the transaction to accrue/spend loyalty points.

Note:Tender is used for the multiplier type “Amount”. This means that the loyalty points are calculated based on the amount spent in a transaction. For example, if $20 are spent (Quantity/Amount field), the customer gains 2 points (Loyalty points field).

Copy rules from Select an existing loyalty scheme to copy loyalty scheme rules from.

See also


Last updated: 28th November 2013
Version: LS One 2013.2




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