You are here: Field help > Customer Loyalty > Loyalty Card Dialog

Loyalty Card Dialog

Retail > Loyalty cards > Add/Edit button

What is the dialog used for?

Note: The points are not issued until the customer is added.

Fields & buttons Description
Number of cards Enter the number of cards you want to create (only available in New loyalty card dialog, not in Edit).
Scheme Select a loyalty scheme from the drop-down list. Select the add button to create a new one, select the edit button to edit the selected scheme. Both buttons open Loyalty scheme dialog.
Customer Select a customer for the loyalty card from the drop-down list. Note: This is only possible if a customer has not been added to the card already. When customer is added, the loyalty card is issued, Loyalty scheme "Points expiry date" should reflect this.
Card type

The card type (how the loyalty card should be used) must be chosen:

  • Card tender: The card can be used for accruing and spending points
  • No tender: The card cannot be used as tender in a POS transaction, but can be used for accruing points and for other kinds of uses such as to access online deals.
  • Blocked: The card is blocked for use by the customer. *This cannot be used for new loyalty cards, only for editing loyalty cards in Edit loyalty card dialog in the Loyalty cards view.
Starting points The number of points on the loyalty card when it is issued.

See also


Last updated: 28th November 2013
Version: LS One 2013.2




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