You are here: Field help > Infocodes > Subcode View

Subcode View

Retail > Infocodes > Cross selling/Item modifier infocode groups > Highlight line in main view > Select Edit button

What is the view/dialog used for?

Fields & buttons Description
Code Displays the subcode code.
Description Displays the subcode description. Edit by typing in the text box.
Trigger function

Drop down list that where you can select the trigger function:

  • None
  • Item
  • Infocode
Trigger code Displays the trigger code. Select a new one by clicking and selecting from the drop down list.
Variant code Displays the variant code. Select a new one by clicking and selecting from the drop down list.
Unit of measure Displays the unit of measure. Select a new one by clicking and selecting from the drop down list.
Price handling Displays the price handling selection. Select a new one by clicking and selecting from the drop down list.
Price type Displays the price type selection. Select a new one by clicking and selecting from the drop down list.
Amount / percent Displays the amount or percent. Edit by typing in the text box.
Quantity per unit of measure Displays the quantity per unit of measure. Edit by typing in the text box.
Maximum selection Displays the maximum selection. Edit by typing in the text box.
Quantity linked to trigger line Select this check box to link quantity to trigger line.

See also


Last updated: 12th May 2013
Version: LS One 2013.1




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