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Hospitality Setup View

General setup > Hospitality > Hospitality setup

What is the view used for?

Fields & buttons Description
Auto log-off at POS exit

Select this check box to log off automatically each time you finalize a transaction or try to go back to the table view. Instead of the table view, the logon view is displayed.

If the checkbox is clear: When selecting operation Exit Hospitality the Table view is displayed.

In the Hospitality Demo POS touch button layout, the button Table view has the operation Exit Hospitality.

Dine-in table selection

Select the way that you can select the table on the POS:

  • Click twice: This is option is recommended for a touch screen POS as it allows more time between clicks (2 seconds).
  • Double click: A normal mouse double-click will be needed to open up the table view. This option is recommended if you are using a mouse to click on the POS.
Dine-in table locking

Select how the tables get locked on the POS when being used for editing.

  • By POS: If tables are locked by POS, they can be edited by any staff member but only on one POS at a time.
  • By staff: If tables are locked by staff, they can be edited on any POS but only be the staff member assigned to the table. To allow another staff member to edit, they must transfer the table to themselves by logging in and using the operation “Change staff” after clicking on the table they need to access.

Note: this means that any staff can access the POS but need to assign their name, helping staff keep track of who has made the latest changes.

Table update timer interval Enter or edit the number of seconds you want the system to wait between table update.

See also


Last updated: 20thJanuary 2015
Version: LS One 2013.5




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